Saturday, December 08, 2007

In The Beginning

After God had finished creating the angels, he went on to his next act of magnificent wonder; the Universe. Six days was all he needed to bring this incomprehensible masterpiece into existence. What awesome power and glorious intellect where united in those six days to bring about this our beautiful habitation.beginning

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

I would like to consider the heavens to begin this study, for I believe them to be the best calculated to inspire our minds with a proper sense of the staggering magnitude of our God. The word of God correctly states that they declare his glory. Here are a few facts which are known about the heavens and their size. I will begin with the galaxy in which our earth is located. That is the Milky Way galaxy, as it is called by scientists, home to anywhere between 50 and 100billion stars possibly even more, and over 100,000 light years across at its widest point . Assuming that some of you might not know what a “light year”is, I will explain. A light year is the distance which would be traveled in a year at the blistering speed of light. Now if you where able to go the speed of light it would only take roughly 1 second to go around the earth 7.5 times and as we all know there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in a hour, 24 hours in a day, and 365 days in a year. It is amazing to think that in just one day you would circle the earth 648,000 times, let alone an entire year. Yet, if 1 inch where to represent one of these light years, our galaxy would be over a mile and a half wide! If our galaxy where the only one it would be mind boggling enough but it is just one of what some say to be at least 500billion other galaxies! Yet, God made it all in less than one day. Set in perfect order and symmetry trillions upon trillions of burning orbs, without the least problem or flaw, and knows them each by name. Yet, the end of time will see him roll them all up as if they where no more than a scroll. Feeling small yet? As the song says ,we are awfully small and not as strong as we think we are. Yet, the heavens are not the only thing that he created in that six day period. Let us continue to wonder at the wisdom and power of our creator, through the contemplation of the intricacy and beauty of our planet earth.

Our planet earth is rather small in caparison to the vast domains of outer space yet, it is no less awe inspiring. Think of its verdant pastures, bubbling streams, mighty rivers, and the oceans mightier still. Think on the trees and flowers. The mountains , rain forests , and deserts all beautiful in their own way. Think of the clouds and storms. The rain and snow. The invisible wind whose might can not be resisted when it is in its full strength yet, is at times so gentile it can lull a child to peaceful rest . There are animals also, of every sort and kind, each with its own peculiar ability and usefulness. Then there’s us humans of whom the Bible says “we are fearfully and wonderfully made”. More so than the animals for that higher spiritual nature which was given us at our creation . Everything we need for life is here graciously provided. All of this made for are benefit by our great and merciful God. Whether we go to the highest mountain or the deepest ocean; the driest desert or the most verdant jungle; we are certain to find the wisdom of our creator written on everything we see and hear.

What glorious thoughts are these. How fitted to fill our hearts with praise and admiration to the only one who is fully worthy of both. Our God is an awesome God. So far above anything our minds can imagine or conceive that the Bible says that his thoughts are above our thoughts; even as the heavens are above the earth. Let it suffice us to know this and honor him for it.
Like the old song says so beautifully,
“ O Lord my God When I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made. I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder . Thy power through out the universe displayed.

When through the woods and forest glades I wander, and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees. When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur, and hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee; how great thou art!” Amen!