Saturday, September 29, 2007

Morning Commute

This Monday morning while driving into work I was struck by a thought that for a moment staggered my mind. It was brought on by the sight of the interstate near our home which was packed with motorists all going for different places and for different purposes. What struck me about this rather, normal sight was the fact that all of these people including myself were in God's hand each of our prospective days had already been planed in every point, we would not take one step that God did not already know about. Think about it, not one of us knew what our day might hold. Some of us would have good days and some bad. Our life might suddenly be thrown into tragedy and sorrow. This might be the last of our days. None of us really knew. But God knew. We and everyone else on earth were and are in his hands, our lives ,not our own. Each of us is part of God's great plan which will culminate in Christ's second coming. Yet, do we, even those of us who are Christians, realize the vast implications of this rather well known doctrine? I don't think we do, because if we did getting rich would not be a priority it would not even be a goal. We would not be pushing our children to be good athletes while forgetting about their souls. Some would say but I want to be wealthy so that I can give more.To them I say, Remember the widow's mites. Our lives are far to short and far to important to waist them in any thing less than pursuit of the kingdom of God and his righteousness in what ever sphere God has placed us.