Saturday, August 13, 2005

My Jesus, I Love Thee. I Know Thou Art Mine.

To day I was thinking of the song which says "My Jesus, I love thee. I know thou art mine. For thee all the pleasures of sin I resign". What blessed words these are! Oh,that we could say them in truth! Think of those words, "For thee all the pleasures of sin I resign". How many of us have resigned all of sin's pleasures to gain that one pearl of great price? How many of us have sold all and followed Christ or, in other words, sold every earthly pleasure and ambition to gain Christ? There are so many who say,"Oh, that I could know and love Christ more," but what they are thinking is, Oh, that Christ were easier to love, and, Oh, if only I did not have to give up anything to know Him. If we really believed that Christ is all that the Bible says He is, then we would find that there would be no "sacrifice" too great. For, indeed, a sacrifice given to gain Christ is no sacrifice at all. It is a pleasure. The majority of the world will spend eternity in hell because they thought that Christ was too hard to love; and I wonder how many will have called themselves Christians? If we really want to say, "My Jesus, I love thee; I know thou art mine," we must be willing to resign earthly pleasure. We must remember that our God is a jealous God and that He will accept nothing less than everything. May all who read this be stirred and may they turn to God knowing that in Him alone is true pleasure and that, everlasting.