Saturday, September 10, 2005

Why Does God Allow "Evil" ?

The recent hurricane Katrina has brought this question to the surface once again and quite frankly I am disappointed at the answers given by some revered Christian leaders to this question. This is the answer I have heard again and again, it goes something like this, "we don't know we just have to trust God". I agree that we have to trust God but the Bible is very clear on why there is suffering and to say that it's not is a flat out lie. Here is the answer that should be given,Who are thou oh man that you reply against God? We deserve Hell for eternity and any thing less than that is an incredible mercy. How is it that we every day shake our fist in the face of God and then seem baffled when he allows something bad to happen to us? We must stop calling what God chooses to do, evil. Hurricane Katrina was absolutely just and right. But you will say,"What about the good people who suffered?" There is none good no not one; even Christians who suffer though they have much in which they can have joy and hope and the suffering of this world is not to be compared with the glory which is to come, still must say it was well deserved. Ever since the fall we as humans have been questioning the goodness of God. This kind of questioning is sinful and devilish and must be seen in that light and denounced.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

My Jesus, I Love Thee. I Know Thou Art Mine.

To day I was thinking of the song which says "My Jesus, I love thee. I know thou art mine. For thee all the pleasures of sin I resign". What blessed words these are! Oh,that we could say them in truth! Think of those words, "For thee all the pleasures of sin I resign". How many of us have resigned all of sin's pleasures to gain that one pearl of great price? How many of us have sold all and followed Christ or, in other words, sold every earthly pleasure and ambition to gain Christ? There are so many who say,"Oh, that I could know and love Christ more," but what they are thinking is, Oh, that Christ were easier to love, and, Oh, if only I did not have to give up anything to know Him. If we really believed that Christ is all that the Bible says He is, then we would find that there would be no "sacrifice" too great. For, indeed, a sacrifice given to gain Christ is no sacrifice at all. It is a pleasure. The majority of the world will spend eternity in hell because they thought that Christ was too hard to love; and I wonder how many will have called themselves Christians? If we really want to say, "My Jesus, I love thee; I know thou art mine," we must be willing to resign earthly pleasure. We must remember that our God is a jealous God and that He will accept nothing less than everything. May all who read this be stirred and may they turn to God knowing that in Him alone is true pleasure and that, everlasting.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

My Hope

Above the fray of mortal men stands God guiding and directing their affairs with wise and caring hand. It is only He who knows what the next moment may bring. So let me put my trust in Him. His ways are mysterious and above my feeble understanding but this I know, He doth all things well. Justice and judgment are always before Him and from their ways He will not depart. Because He is God and God alone.